Thursday, June 12, 2014

Jumpmaster's Challenge

Definitely a mistake.
Last weekend was my local hobby shop's second birthday, which included their second annual Jumpmaster's Challenge miniatures painting competition. Extremely unexpectedly, I won 1st in the Fantasy Unit category.

I'm still pretty sure it was a mistake. But they can't have the plaque back now, I've licked it.

But much more interestingly, I got to meet some absolutely incredible painters and sponge some of their wordly painterly guruship. In particular, Mike Schaefer (who's blog is over here and has loads of pictures from this competition) and his adorable schnauzers were in attendance. Like most truly passionate artists, the guy is humble and eager to share tips and tricks of the hobby.

Also, the guy in the picture next to me is Joe Neet, one of the judges and another talented multiple-contest winning painter. He also frequents Dropzone Games; I was lucky enough to get to attend the first in a series of workshops he's running. Great teacher and super friendly guy.

These guys (and Rob Chandler, who both terrifies and inspires me) and the general support of the community at Dropzone are inspiring.

Even if winning was a fluke, it makes me want to paint more, experiment, dig deeper into techniques and color theory, and get to know more people enthusiastic about the hobby.

It also inspired me to go buy some really expensive paintbrushes. At this rate, I really need to get good enough to support my addiction with commissions, or the bank account gods are going to have a word with me.



    You ROCK that paint, Krielsister!

    1. Hah! I am forced to admit, I play Legion, not trolls. But trolls have awesome models and fluff.
